组会文献列表:2024 – 2025

  1. Acharya, V. V., T. Eisert, C. Eufinger, and C. Hirsch. 2019. Whatever It Takes: The Real Effects of Unconventional Monetary Policy. Review of Financial Studies 32:3366–3411.
  2. Acharya, V. V., J. Qian, Y. Su, and Z. Yang. 2024. Fiscal Stimulus, Deposit Competition, and the Rise of Shadow Banking: Evidence from China. Management Science forthcoming.
  3. Acharya, V. V., and R. Rajan. 2024. Liquidity, Liquidity Everywhere, Not a Drop to Use: Why Flooding Banks with Central Bank Reserves May Not Expand Liquidity. Journal of Finance 79:2943–91.
  4. Allen, F., X. Gu, C. W. Li, J. Qian, and Y. Qian. 2023. Implicit Guarantees and the Rise of Shadow Banking: The Case of Trust Products. Journal of Financial Economics 149:115–41.
  5. Assaf, A., A. N. Berger, R. A. Roman, and M. Tsionas. 2019. Does Efficiency Help Banks Survive and Thrive during Financial Crises? Journal of Banking & Finance 106:445–70.
  6. van Bekkum, S., M. Gabarro, R. M. Irani, and J.-L. Peydró. 2024. The Real Effects of Borrower-Based Macroprudential Policy: Evidence from Administrative Household-Level Data. Journal of Monetary Economics147:103574.
  7. Boone, J. 2008. A New Way to Measure Competition. Economic Journal 118:1245–61.
  8. Bordalo, P., N. Gennaioli, and A. Shleifer. 2018. Diagnostic Expectations and Credit Cycles. Journal of Finance 73:199–227.
  9. Bordalo, P., N. Gennaioli, Y. Ma, and A. Shleifer. 2020. Overreaction in Macroeconomic Expectations. American Economic Review 110:2748–82.
  10. Buchak, G., G. Matvos, T. Piskorski, and A. Seru. 2024. Beyond the Balance Sheet Model of Banking: Implications for Bank Regulation and Monetary Policy. Journal of Political Economy 132:616–93.
  11. Chen, Q., I. Goldstein, Z. Huang, and R. Vashishtha. 2024. Liquidity Transformation and Fragility in the U.S. Banking Sector. Journal of Finance forthcoming.
  12. Copeland, A., D. Duffie, and Y. Yang. 2024. Reserves Were Not so Ample after All. Quarterly Journal of Economics forthcoming.
  13. Diamond, W., Z. Jiang, and Y. Ma. 2024. The Reserve Supply Channel of Unconventional Monetary Policy. Journal of Financial Economics 159:103887.
  14. Diamond, D. W., and R. G. Rajan. 2001. Liquidity Risk, Liquidity Creation, and Financial Fragility: A Theory of Banking. Journal of Political Economy 109:287–327.
  15. Diamond, D. W., and R. G. Rajan. 2005. Liquidity Shortages and Banking Crises. Journal of Finance 60:615–47.
  16. Diamond, D. W., and R. G. Rajan. 2006. Money in a Theory of Banking. American Economic Review 96:30–53.
  17. Du, J., C. Li, and Y. Wang. 2023. Shadow Banking of Non-Financial Firms: Arbitrage between Formal and Informal Credit Markets in China. Journal of Financial Intermediation 55:101032.
  18. Gabaix, X., and R. S. J. Koijen. 2024. Granular Instrumental Variables. Journal of Political Economy 132:2274–2303.
  19. Garel, A., A. Romec, Z. Sautner, and A. F. Wagner. 2024. Do Investors Care About Biodiversity? Review of Finance 28:1151–86.
  20. Gennaioli, N., A. Shleifer, and R. Vishny. 2013. A Model of Shadow Banking. Journal of Finance 68:1331–63.
  21. Gennaioli, N., A. Shleifer, and R. Vishny. 2015. Money Doctors. Journal of Finance 70:91–114.
  22. Hachem, K., and Z. M. Song. 2021. Liquidity Rules and Credit Booms. Journal of Political Economy 129:2721–65.
  23. Huang, J., Z. Huang, and X. Shao. 2023. The Risk of Implicit Guarantees: Evidence from Shadow Banks in China. Review of Finance 27:1521–44.
  24. Kashyap, A. K., R. Rajan, and J. C. Stein. 2002. Banks as Liquidity Providers: An Explanation for the Coexistence of Lending and Deposit-Taking. Journal of Finance 57:33–73.
  25. Ma, Y., T. Paligorova, and J.-L. Peydró. 2021. Expectations and Bank Lending. Working Paper, University of Chicago.
  26. Sylla, R. 2024. Alexander Hamilton’s Report on Manufactures and Industrial Policy. Journal of Economic Perspectives 38:111–30.
  27. Tian, X., G. Tu, and Y. Wang. 2024. The Real Effects of Shadow Banking: Evidence from China. Management Science forthcoming.