The political problem of mankind is to combine three things: Economic Efficiency, Social Justice, and Individual Liberty. — Keynes, 1926, Essays in Persuasion

副教授 | Associate Professor
武汉大学 | Wuhan University
♦ 博导,副系主任,经济与管理学院金融系 | Doctoral supervisor, Vice Chair, Dept. of Finance, Economics and Management School (EMS)
♦ 宏观经济研究所所长,经济发展研究中心 | Head of Macroeconomic Research, Center for Economic Development Research (CEDR)
♦ 金融大数据研究中心副主任,大数据研究院 | Deputy Head of Financial Big Data Analytics, Big Data Institute (BDI)
金融发展与政策研究中心研究员 | Researcher, Financial Development and Policy Research Center (FDPRC)
经济波动与增长论坛成员 | China Economic Fluctuation and Growth (EFG) Forum
♦ 银行与公司金融青年论坛成员 | China Banking and Corporate Finance (CBCF) Youth Forum
♦ 人工智能技术与管理应用研究会委员 | Member, Institute of Artificial Intelligence for Management
CCF计算经济学专业组执行委员 | Executive Member, CCF Technical Committee of Computational Economics

简历 | Curriculum Vitae
♦ 中文 [ link ]

研究领域 | Research Fields
♦ 量化宏观 | Quantitative Macro
♦ 宏观金融 | Macro Finance
♦ 银行与金融中介 | Banking and Financial Intermediation
♦ 公司金融 | Corporate Finance
♦ 法与金融 | Law and Finance
♦ 大数据分析 | Big Data Analytics
Google Scholar [ link ] ORCID [ link ]

联系方式 | Contact Info.
办公室 | Office
♦ 经济与管理学院(亮胜楼)326-1 | Economics and Management School (Liangsheng Building) 326-1
电子邮件 | Email
学院个人页面 | Webpage from School site
学院个人页面 | EMS

工作经历 | Work Experience
♦ 2023 – 至今,副教授(固定教职),武汉大学经济与管理学院金融系 | 2023 – present, Associate Professor (tenured), EMS Dept. of Finance, WHU
♦ 2020 – 2022,副教授(特聘副研究员),武汉大学经济与管理学院金融系 | 2020 – 2022, Associate Professor (Special Term Associate Researcher), EMS Dept. of Finance, WHU
♦ 2014 – 2020,助理教授,武汉大学经济与管理学院金融系 | 2014 – 2020, Assistant Professor, EMS Dept. of Finance, WHU

学历 | Education
2009 – 2014
♦ 博士,纽约州立大学石溪分校经济系 | PhD in Economics, Dept. of Economics, Stony Brook University
2005 – 2009
♦ 学士,北京大学数学科学学院 | BS, School of Mathematical Sciences, Peking University
2006 – 2009
♦ 学士,北京大学中国经济研究中心 | BA, China Center for Economic Research, Peking University